COVID 19 information for Veterinarians


Synergy Veterinary Specialists are here to support all Veterinarians during these unprecedented times.

This page is under construction and we will use it to add links, articles and useful updates over the coming weeks. Stay tuned!!

If you have a question in regards to a case please feel you can reach out to us at any time point. We want to help! Never feel you are alone in this journey. We will get through this together and come out stronger on the other side!!

I know many of you are having to make many decisions and have concerns about what we are allowed, or should, do in relation to the Governor’s executive orders. We believe every case is unique and should be evaluated as such. We want to help by supporting you and your clients even if surgery is not considered truly urgent at this time. Talk to us about how we can help!

Consultation Options

  1. Drop off/curbside evaluation in your hospital and a virtual consultation with the pet owners. With this we are hoping to give owners the knowledge and peace of mind that they have a plan and that if, things become more urgent, we can reevaluate and move forward. The goal is to strengthen the bond you have with your clients making them feel you are addressing their concerns in the best way possible. With the undetermined end point of our restrictions I feel it is imperative that we empower our clients with knowledge so they can feel they are supported.

  2. If there is an urgent surgical case we can also speak with the client over the phone about the case (after reviewing the records, x-rays and discussing with you the case) and then speak again to the client after we have examined the pet prior to surgery. This allows us to give them some more information before the day of surgery but also give more definitive final pet specific recommendations before the surgical procedure is performed.

  3. We are happy to discuss surgical conditions in general with your clients over the phone (we have had some clients reach out to us directly). We try to help guide them and offer some information with the plan to evaluate those patients prior to any patient specific recommendations being made.

  4. Recheck consultations are done via curbside. They can be done via video conferencing in certain circumstances.

As always we are available to you to help support your team, your clients and their pets.

We are very lucky to work with a small number of exceptional hospitals, only visit one location/per day and all of our hospitals are taking the appropriate precautions to minimize exposure for their staff and veterinarians.

If you are a new hospital to us please do not hesitate reach out. These are unprecedented times and we want to support all of you as we navigate our way through this.