Mary graduated from Minnesota School of Business in 2009 with her A.A.S in Veterinary Technology. She joined the Synergy team in July 2024 after being in the veterinary field for 14 years with roles including Senior veterinary technician and practice manager. Mary is excited to use her experience and training as a technician to work along Dr. Feldsien providing exceptional care to animals and their human companions.

Outside of her professional life, Mary has a deep love for gardening, cooking, baking, biking, and camping. She finds joy in entertaining friends and loved ones, sharing good food and great company. Recently, she has ventured into the art of fly fishing, finding it both challenging and incredibly rewarding.

At home, Mary lives with her husband and their beloved dog, Otis, who brings endless happiness to their lives.



Always helping to give us perspective. He enjoys modelling and training.

He excels at breaking down boxes and sampling treats!!!