Soft Tissue Procedures


  • Abdominal Exploratory with biopsies

  • Adrenalectomy

  • Anal Sacculectomy

  • Brachycephalic Syndrome

  • Cesarian section (scheduled)

  • Cholecystectomy

  • Cystotomy

  • Diaphragmatic Hernia

  • Ectopic Ureter

  • Enucleation

  • Gastrointestinal Surgery

  • Gastrotomy and Prophylactic Gastropexy

  • Intestinal Enterotomy and Resection and Anastamosis

  • Liver Lobectomy

  • Laryngeal Tieback for Laryngeal Paralysis

  • Nephrectomy

  • Parathyroidectomy

  • Perineal Hernia

  • Perineal Urethrostomy

  • Peritoneal Pericardial Diaphragmatic Hernia

  • Scrotal Urethrostomy

  • Skin Grafts and Flaps

  • Splenectomy

  • Subtotal Colectomy

  • Thyroidectomy

  • Total Ear Canal Ablation and Bulla Osteotomy (TECA-BO)

  • Vulvoplasty

  • Wound managment

All cases will be reviewed by Dr. Feldsien and your primary care team to determine if procedures are best performed in your hospital or referred to a 24 hour facility.. The options will be discussed with you in detail at the initial consultation prior to definitely scheduling surgery.

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